Press monitoring

Cloned animals deemed safe to eat

4.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

The US government has released a draft proposal declaring that food from cloned cattle, pigs and goats is "likely to be as safe as" food from their non-cloned counterparts. The draft, released yesterday, arrives more than five years after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requested a voluntary moratorium on the use of cloned animals or...


Engineers Create 3-D Scaffold For Growing Stem Cells

2.1.2007   |   Press monitoring

Stem cells grew, multiplied and differentiated into brain cells on a new three-dimensional scaffold of tiny protein fragments designed to be more like a living body than any other cell culture system.


Innovative Movies Show Real-time Immune-cell Activity Within Tumors

31.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

Using advanced new microscopy techniques in concert with sophisticated transgenic technologies, scientists at The Wistar Institute have for the first time created three-dimensional, time-lapse movies showing immune cells targeting cancer cells in live tumor tissues. In recorded experiments, immune cells called T cells can be seen actively...


Genetics of eye colour was explained

23.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

Genetics of eye color was explained by australian scientists. Their work was published in the last issue of American Journal of Human Genetics. Their work revealed that eye color is unfluenced by single nucleotide polymorphism located in gene called OCA2.


Nanoscopic 'robot arms' built from DNA

23.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

An arrangement of nanoscopic robot arms made entirely from DNA and controlled using further DNA strands has been revealed by US scientists.


N. Korea May Have Anti-Bird Flu Vaccine

22.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

North Korea has claimed it developed a poultry vaccine against the deadly H5N1 type of bird flu and is inoculating chickens as part of stepped-up efforts to prevent the disease following outbreaks in South Korea.


The aplication of functional genomics for food microbiology

21.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

The methods of functional genomics could be used in food microbiology soon. It confirms a publication of Dutch scientists in International Journal of Food Microbiology, where are described possibilities of this approach usage in food processing.


Researchers Show Surprising Interaction Between Genes, Gender And Hypertension

20.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

In surprising results, a study of more than 1,200 patients with extremely low or high blood pressure by researchers at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) School of Medicine showed that the influence of genes on blood pressure may vary based on gender.


Boost For New Cancer Therapies

20.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have revealed the critical role a key enzyme plays in helping cells divide in what could prove an important breakthrough for new cancer therapies.


'Super' enzyme may lead way to better tumor vaccines

19.12.2006   |   Press monitoring

A "super" form of the enzyme Akt1 could provide the key to boosting the effect of tumor vaccines by extending the lives of dendritic cells, the immune-system master switches that promote the response of T-cells, which attack tumors, said researchers at Baylor College of Medicine in a report that appears in the "advance online publication" section...




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