Press monitoring

Structure of enzyme offers treatment clues for diabetes, Alzheimer's

30.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from the University of Chicago and Argonne National Laboratory have deciphered the three-dimensional structure of insulin-degrading enzyme, a promising target for new drugs because it breaks down not only insulin but also the amyloid-beta protein, which has been linked to the cognitive decline of Alzheimer's disease.


New biochip could accelerate drug development

29.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have developed a biochip that could prove crucial in future drug development. The technology measures electrical activities of cells and can obtain 60 times more data in one reading than is possible with current technology.


Designer Babies: Ethical Considerations

28.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

In 2004 the term “designer baby” made the transition from sci-fi movies and weblogs into the Oxford English Dictionary, where it is defined as “a baby whose genetic makeup has been artificially selected by genetic engineering combined with in vitro fertilization to ensure the presence or absence of particular genes or characteris...


Scientists discover toxin that causes gastro disease

27.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Australian scientists have identified a highly potent toxin that causes severe gastrointestinal illnesses, including food poisoning.


Study to genotype six common diseases

26.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 (UPI) -- Six common diseases have been selected as the first to undergo whole genome analysis by the U.S. Genetic Association Information Network.


The Human Genome Project

25.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

The Human Genome Project: A Scientific and Ethical Overview By Marion L. Carroll and Jay Ciaffa


UCSD Developing New Genome Sequencing Technology

24.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

The current cost to determine the sequence of nucleotide bases in the 6-billion-base-pair human genome is roughly $10 million, but researchers at UC San Diego and eight other universities and biotech companies hope to use a federal grant to lower the cost to only $1,000 per human genome sequenced.


What Are Stem Cells ?

23.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

And Why Are They So Important For Parkinson's and Alzheimers Disease?


Biotech Research Helps Create Knowledge-based Economy

20.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Plant biotechnology is helping to create a vibrant knowledge-based economy throughout the United States, according to a study by a University of Minnesota professor.


Nuts’ New Aflatoxin Fighter: Caffeic Acid?

19.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Crunchy, good-for-you nuts like almonds, pistachios, and walnuts make their way to your local supermarket only after they’ve passed a rigorous safety test. The assay ensures that the nuts are free of unsafe levels of aflatoxin, a natural, cancer-causing compound.




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