Press monitoring

Study Models Impact Of Anthrax Vaccine

19.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Rapidly distributing antibiotics to people exposed to anthrax spores during a bioterrorist attack, could by itself, prevent about 70 percent of anthrax infections from occurring, according to researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. To increase the prevention rate to 90 percent, their study found that at least 63...


Study Recommends Strategies For Distributing Flu Vaccine During Shortage

18.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

When faced with potential vaccine shortages during a flu outbreak, public health officials can turn to a new study by mathematical biologists at The University of Texas at Austin to learn how to best distribute the vaccine.


Research Could Lead To Dramatic Improvement In Scanning For Serious Diseases

18.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

A new £850,000 project begins next month that could lead to a dramatically improved understanding of serious illnesses such as heart disease, stroke, diabetes, septic shock and cancer.


From Genes To Proteins: Nobel Chemistry Prize Goes To Pioneer In Transcription

18.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for 2006 to Roger D. Kornberg of Stanford University "for his studies of the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription."


New Technique Boosts Size Of Proteins That Can Be Analyzed

17.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Imagine you had to break a secret code, but you could see only part of the message. That's the kind of frustration researchers face when trying to identify proteins and characterize how those proteins are modified in cells by biological processes.


Depression genes show when the drugs won't work

17.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Anxious mice could point to better treatment for human conditions.


New Technique Boosts Size Of Proteins That Can Be Analyzed

16.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Imagine you had to break a secret code, but you could see only part of the message. That's the kind of frustration researchers face when trying to identify proteins and characterize how those proteins are modified in cells by biological processes.


Fantastic Voyage: A New Nanoscale View Of The Biological World

16.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Echoing the journey through the human body in Fantastic Voyage, doctors might soon be able to track individual donor cells after a transplant, or to find where and how much of a cancer treatment drug there is within a cell. New technology described in a study published today in the open access journal Journal of Biology makes it possible to image...


Another promising obesity drug bites the dust

15.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Therapy failure highlights difficulties of tricking the body into shedding pounds.


Fantastic Voyage: A New Nanoscale View Of The Biological World

14.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Echoing the journey through the human body in Fantastic Voyage, doctors might soon be able to track individual donor cells after a transplant, or to find where and how much of a cancer treatment drug there is within a cell. New technology described in a study published today in the open access journal Journal of Biology makes it possible to image...




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