Press monitoring

New Sensor Technology Detects Chemical, Biological, Nuclear And Explosive Materials

13.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Engineers at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory, using an emerging sensing technology, have developed a suite of sensors for national security applications that can quickly and effectively detect chemical, biological, nuclear and explosive materials.


Biotechnology Transfer: Sharing Innovation With the Developing World

12.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Organizations work to give poor nations the tools and technology to improve their lives.


New Allergy Vaccine Provides Long-lasting Hay Fever Relief After Just 6 Weeks Of Shots

12.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have successfully used an experimental DNA-based vaccine to protect against ragweed allergies, commonly known as hay fever, after just six injections. Patients receiving the vaccine showed an average 60 percent reduction in allergy symptoms compared to those receiving a...


Researchers Identify Gene Most Often Responsible For Commonest Form Of Congenital Blindness

11.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Eye Health Month is off to an exciting start, with the recent announcement by MUHC researcher Dr. Robert Koenekoop and his colleagues of a breakthrough discovery in the genetics of childhood blindness. The new study identified the gene most often responsible for LCA (Leber Congenital Amaurosis), the commonest form of congenital b...


The Genetic Signature Of Diseases: The Future Of Diagnostics

11.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Most of the DNA genomic sequences of organisms are now known, however those of some organisms continue to be the focus of ongoing scientific research throughout the world.


Researchers Discover Cell-wall Carbohydrate That Is Crucial To Anthrax Bacterium

11.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

A week after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the letters began to arrive. Someone filled envelopes with a deadly strain of anthrax bacteria and mailed them to two U.S. senators and several offices of the news media. Five people died, and 17 others became infected.


New Fuels From Bacteria

10.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

A breakthrough in the production of biofuels has been developed by scientists in Germany. Research published in the September 2006 issue of Microbiology, a Society for General Microbiology journal, describes how specially engineered bacteria could be used to make fuel completely from food crops.


A suggestion of enzymatic biosensor for determination of chlorinated pesticides

9.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Introduction. Chlorinated pesticides such as derivates of DTT, hexachlorobenzene and many others have been used to protect of plants. It is a common knowledge that residues of these pesticides deposit in adipose tissues at animals and could be transferred from here to eggs or to breast milk of mammals. A higher concentration of these compounds...


Enzyme shreds Alzheimer's protein

9.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

An enzyme found naturally in the brain snips apart the protein that forms the sludge called amyloid plaque that is one of the hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease (AD), researchers have found. They said their findings in mice suggest that the protein, called Cathepsin B (CatB), is a key part of a protective mechanism that may fail in some forms of AD....


Watching DNA Repair in Real Time

8.10.2006   |   Press monitoring

Direct observations of DNA are giving new insights into how genetic material is copied and repaired.




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