Press monitoring

New Source of Multipotent Adult Stem Cells Discovered in Human Hair Follicles

10.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have isolated a new source of adult stem cells that appear to have the potential to differentiate into several cell types. If their approach to growing these cells can be scaled up and proves to be safe and effective in animal and human studies, it could one day provide the tissue...


Study: Primate peptide may block HIV

9.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

U.S. scientists say they've determined a defense peptide found in primates might block some human HIV transmissions.


Test ‘finds breast cancer early’

9.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

Doctors have developed an ultrasensitive blood test for breast cancer which they say could help pick up the disease at an early stage, particularly in younger women.


Leukemia drug Gleevec may damage heart: study

9.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

Leukemia treatment drug Gleevec produced by the Swiss Novartis Pharmaceuticals may lead to severe heart damage, researchers warned.


Biotechnology Playing Role in Clothing Industry

9.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

The Biotechnology Industry Organization used the fashion statement last week to burnish its battered image as an environmental scourge.


Scientists to begin unlocking biofuel potential

9.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

Scientists for the U.S. Agriculture and Energy Departments are teaming up in the Bay Area to divine the genetic recipe for switchgrass and other potential energy crops, for dramatic boosts in the production of biofuels.


Rove: Bush would use first veto on stem-cell bill

9.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

DENVER (AP) -- President Bush will probably issue his first veto if the Senate approves a bill to expand federal funding of embryonic stem-cell research, White House aide Karl Rove told a newspaper's editorial board.


A Turn Off For Mom or Dad

8.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

For the past 50 years, scientists have been trying to unravel the mystery of an unorthodox genetic effect: In some species, a gene from one parent turns off the analogous gene from the other. A new study of the phenomenon--called paramutation--may have finally elucidated how this works.


Matrilin-3 gene discovered to prevent onset of osteoarthritis

8.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers develop animal model to study causes of arthritis


Scientists and the history of biological weapons: A brief historical overview of the development of biological weapons in the twentieth century

8.8.2006   |   Press monitoring

When considering the potential threat of biological weapons in the hands of rogue states or terrorist groups, security experts tend to assume that scientists will always lend a hand to prevent such nefarious use of their research.




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