Press monitoring

Gene study shows sex differences go deep

16.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Thousands of genes behave differently in the same organs of males and females, researchers reported on Friday, a finding that may help explain why men and women have different responses to drugs and diseases.


Researchers Report Gains Against Muscle-Wasting Disease

15.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

Myasthenia gravis affects two to three of every 10,000 Americans


Did mammoths tell blond jokes?

15.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Wow! Talk about a blond bombshell. It turns out mammoths may have come in various hair colors, perhaps even red and blond, new research indicates.


Indiana to Create 'Biotown' as Source of Entire Town's Energy

14.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

This farming hamlet is aiming at generating its own electricity and gas, using everything from municipal trash to farm waste, hog manure and even town sewage.


The GM 99: Genetically modified ice cream could be coming to Britain

14.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

New designer ice cream, made possible by genetic modification, threatens to set off a "time bomb" in the health of British children, scientists are warning.


Producing flu vaccines will be faster and cheaper, thanks to MSU technology

13.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

Technology from Michigan State animal science labs looks to produce new human flu vaccines quicker and cheaper than current methods.


Full benefits of animal cloning a good 50 years away

13.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

The British scientist who a decade ago created Dolly the Sheep cautioned Wednesday that another half-century would be needed to reap the full benefits of the cloning breakthrough.


ANU scientists crack DNA replication mystery

13.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

A team of scientists led by Professor Nick Dixon at the Research School of Chemistry at The Australian National University have cracked one of the great DNA mysteries. For more than 20 years scientists have tried in vain to understand the last step in the copying of DNA in cells that are about to divide.


China may lift ban on modified rice

12.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

Beijing - China could soon become the first developing country in the world to allow the sale of genetically modified rice, experts here say, as leaders desperately search for ways to mollify the country's increasingly restless peasant farmers and shore up China's shrinking agricultural system.


Oscillating Pattern In Nanoparticle Crystallisation

12.7.2006   |   Press monitoring

In order to survive, biological systems need to form patterns and organise themselves. Scientists at the Max Planck Institute for Colloids and Interfaces in Potsdam, Germany, have now combined self-organisation with chemical pattern formation.




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