Press monitoring

Atomic force microscope sorts molecules out

9.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at IBM's Almaden Research Center, US, have used an atomic force microscope (AFM) to separate out molecules of different types. Applying a voltage to the AFM tip caused the molecules to move along the tip at different rates, in a small-scale form of the electrophoresis separation technique.


UCSF resumes human embryo stem cell work

8.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

UCSF scientists are attempting to use controversial cloning techniques to generate human embryonic stem cell lines, resuming an effort shelved as a failure five years ago.


In vitro responsiveness of human-drug-resistant tissue to antiepileptic drugs:

8.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

Pharmacoresistance in epileptic patients may be ascribed to at least two, not mutually exclusive, mechanisms: a pharmacokinetic mechanism and a decreased sensitivity or availability of targets to antiepileptic drugs (AEDs; i.e., carbamazepine and phenytoin (CBZ, PHT)).


DNA Taxi: Photosensitive gold nanoparticles bind and release DNA

8.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

Despite few successes to date, gene therapy is a highly promising approach for medical therapy in the future. One of the biggest difficulties with this process is finding a suitable transport agent that can carry the nucleic acid being used as a “drug” into the diseased target cell. Killed viruses have been used as "taxis" for these genes, but...


Dialing Down the MRI

8.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) machines' knack for peering at soft tissue deep within the body has made them one of the most popular imaging tools. But MRI isn't perfect. It works by beaming radiofrequency pulses into a patient and tracking how this radiation affects the magnetic behavior of tissues. But those pulses must be carefully controlled...


Biotechnology Contributes to Significant Decrease in Plowing

8.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

According to Monsanto, since the introduction of biotech crops in 1996, farmers have reduced - and, in some cases, completely stopped - plowing or tilling the soil to eliminate weeds and prepare fields for planting.


Development of a new bicistronic retroviral vector with strong IRES activity

7.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

Internal Ribosome Entry Site (IRES)-based bicistronic vectors are important tools in today's cell biology. Among applications, the expression of two proteins under the control of a unique promoter permits the monitoring of expression of a protein whose biological function is being investigated through the observation of an easily detectable...


High proportion of recurrent germline mutations in the BRCA1 gene in breast and ovarian cancer patients from the Prague area

7.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

Petr Pohlreich, 1 Michal Zikan,1 Jana Stribrna,1 Zdenek Kleibl,1 Marketa Janatova,1 Jaroslav Kotlas,2 Jana Zidovska,2 Jan Novotny,3 Lubos Petruzelka,3 Csilla Szabo,4 and Bohuslav Matous1


Science Academies support GM-foods

7.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

BERLIN – During last weekend’s international meeting of the Science Academy in Berlin, twelve leading researchers in the field of green genetic technology worked on a manifesto which aims to clarify the significance of this technology.


A Catalogue of Proteins, International proteome researchers map the entire active protein inventory in cells

7.6.2006   |   Press monitoring

The human genome has been sequenced for about four years. Now, scientists are concentrating on understanding the functions of individual genes and their products, proteins. One major step in that process is now complete, thanks to researchers from the Max Planck Institute of Biochemistry. Working with colleagues from Denmark, Canada, China, and...




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