Press monitoring

Diet apples for diet freaks

13.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

US researchers have developed a transgenic apple tree which bears fruits sweetened with sorbitol.


Characterization and identification of vaccine candidate proteins through analysis of the group A Streptococcus surface proteome

13.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from Chiron Vaccines laboratories described a proteomic approach for identifying bacterial surface-exposed proteins quickly and reliably for their use as vaccine candidates.


Renessen Receives Final Regulatory Clearance for World's First Crop-Based Biotechnology Quality Trait for Animal Feed Industry

13.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Renessen LLC announced today that the U.S. Department of Agriculture has deregulated Renessen's high lysine corn containing the LY038 trait, clearing the way for Renessen to commercialize the new technology for use in the livestock industry.


Biocrystal promotes new cell culture technology

13.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Biocrystal has upped the stakes in the cell culture market with Opticell, a product it claims brakes away from traditional cell culture concepts and promises to reduce costs thorough increased efficiency.


Heparin Prepared Synthetically Could Replace Animal-derived Drug

13.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered an alternative way to produce heparin, a drug commonly used to stop or prevent blood from clotting.


Markers of adult tissue-based stem cells

11.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

The expectation generated by the pluripotentiality of embryonic stem (ES) cells has initiated a renaissance in stem cell biology.


Stable polymer nanotubes may have a biotech future

10.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) have created polymer nanotubes that are unusually long (about 1 centimeter) as well as stable enough to maintain their shape indefinitely.


New, Unique Microscope for Nanotechnology

9.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

UC Davis researchers in nanotechnology, chemistry and biology now have access to one of the most advanced microscopes of its type in the world.


One of the great challenges in the field of nanotechnology is optical imaging

9.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

One of the great challenges in the field of nanotechnology is optical imaging-specifically, how to design a microscope that produces high-resolution images of the nano-sized objects that researchers are trying to study.


DNA molecules used to assemble nanoparticles

9.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

University of Michigan researchers have developed a faster, more efficient way to produce a wide variety of nanoparticle drug delivery systems, using DNA molecules to bind the particles together.




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