Press monitoring

Beware of the possibility of fingerprinting techniques transferring DNA

6.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Fingerprinting brushes have the potential to collect and transfer DNA during powdering.


Emerging technologies in DNA sequencing

6.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Demand for DNA sequence information has never been greater, yet current Sanger technology is too costly, time consuming, and labor intensive to meet this ongoing demand.


Scientists stumble on potential arthritis drug target

6.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Scientists exploring inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis have made an unexpected discovery that may lead to new drug treatments to ease the pain and discomfort endured by 66 million (nearly 1 in 3 adults) US citizens in 2005.


India, Africa get free HIV drug license

3.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Bristol Myers-Squibb will license its anti-retroviral drug Reyataz royalty-free to two drug makers in Africa and India.


Nanotechnology to improve health care delivery – at the molecular scale

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Nanotechnology's potential for improving drug delivery, tissue regeneration and laboratory miniaturization is being explored by a diverse array of University of Michigan researchers.


E unum pluribus: multiple proteins from a self-processing polyprotein

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Many applications of genetic engineering require transformation with multiple (trans)genes, although to achieve these using conventional techniques can be challenging.


Agrobacterium is not alone: gene transfer to plants by viruses and other bacteria

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation is the most widely used technology for obtaining the overexpression of recombinant proteins in plants.


Living Taste Cells Produced Outside the Body

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from the Monell Chemical Senses Center have succeeded in growing mature taste receptor cells outside the body and for the first time have been able to successfully keep the cells alive for a prolonged period of time.


Rochester Scientists Develop Fast-Working Biosensor

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

University of Rochester Medical Center scientists have demonstrated a new technology that accurately and rapidly detects the meat-spoiling and sometimes dangerous E. coli bacteria.


Targeting the cell cycle: a new approach to cancer therapy

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

The cell cycle represents a series of tightly integrated events that allow the cell to grow and proliferate.




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