Press monitoring

GM food goes on trial

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

The fundamental rule of retail is: The consumer is always right. The World Trade Organization (WTO) has once again disregarded this rule by declaring the majority of European consumers wrong.


EU gets fed up with France, Germany on GM Law

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

BRUSSELS - France and Germany may win only a small amount of leeway if they fail to update national laws on genetically modified (GMO) foods and crops on time next month, or risk legal action and hefty fines at Europe's highest court.


Commission urges new drive to boost production of biofuels

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

The European Commission today adopted an ambitious EU Strategy for Biofuels, with a range of potential market-based, legislative and research measures to boost production of fuels from agricultural raw materials.


Campus Vienna Biocenter Thriving Plant Research

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

At the Campus Vienna Biocenter research has begun into environmental stress-induced changes to the plant genome supported by the Austrian genome program (GEN-AU). A EUR 1.3 million budget has been allocated to the three-year project.


Yeast could deliver insulin as a spray

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

UK scientists think that diabetes patients could be able to receive insulin via a nasal spray using yeast, which would open up the way for a spray to be developed to replace injections.


Particular interests prevail

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

BRUSSELS, Belgium - Lacking common guidelines, the European Union does not yet cultivate genetically modified plants.


Biotech crops produce slim pickings

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

At the dawn of the era of genetically engineered crops, scientists were envisioning all sorts of healthier and tastier foods, including cancer-fighting tomatoes, rot-resistant fruits, potatoes that would produce healthier French fries and even beans that would not cause flatulence.


Scientists in Zimbabwe warn on biotechnology

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Zimbabwe is moving towards embracing biotechnology in a development that shows a shift in government' s attitude but scientists have warned that the decision could divide the country.


US and European views differ on GM food

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

Just a few years ago, World Trade Organisation officials used to act hurt when described by social activists as irresponsible, secretive bureaucrats who trampled over national sovereignty and placed free trade over the environment or human rights. But that was when the global-trade policeman ruled on disputes that had little bearing on...


French law passes GMO costs on to farmers, Greens protest

2.3.2006   |   Press monitoring

PARIS - France is proposing a new law that would effectively absolve the government of financial responsibility for contamination caused by genetically modified (GMO) crops, a move condemned by environmental groups.




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