Press monitoring

New patent notice for GTC Biotherapeutics

7.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

FRAMINGHAM, MA - GTC Biotherapeutics, Inc. ("GTC", Nasdaq: GTCB) announced today that the United States Patent and Trademark Office has issued a Notice of Allowance for the claims in its patent application 07/938,322 covering the production of therapeutic proteins in the milk of transgenic mammals.


The 'future food technologies' unveiled in Finland

7.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

A Finnish research programme suggests that enzymatic engineering and microencapsulation could be major food technology tools in the future.


`Biotechnology can help reduce nutritional deficiencies among the poor'“ India PM

6.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

BANGALORE - The controversies and misgivings about Bt cotton and biotechnology are on account of the failure to provide information about their benefits to farmers, Minister for Agriculture K. Srinivasa Gowda said on Monday.


Unique genes hold the secret to better grain yields

6.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

BASEL - The world's population is growing rapidly and is estimated to reach 8.9 billions by 2025. But alone today there are approximately 852 million undernourished people. So one of the most important goals for society is to provide enough food for all. By 2025 the global crop yield needs to increase by 25 percent.


Proteomic profiling to assess genetically modified crop safety

6.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

It is generally accepted that traditional food is safe for the majority of consumers. For the introduction of a new variant or cultivar developed from a traditional crop plant, maximum limits have been set in some cases, e.g., for potato and oilseed rape, to the content of known toxins.


Winemakers Toast Biotech Benefits

4.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

Biotechnology holds promise for healthier vineyards, wines and profits.


Fluorescent pigs for stem cell and transplant research

4.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

TAIPEI - Scientists in Taiwan have successfully bred three pigs which glow fluorescent green in the dark, marking a potential breakthrough for stem cell, transplantation and possibly other research, a professor said.


Biotech crops make inroads in developing economies and EU

3.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

WASHINGTON - Developing countries adopted genetically-modified crops at four times the rate of advanced economies in the last decade, in a sign that the spread of biotechnology in agriculture is helping alleviate poverty around the world, according to the non-profit International Service for the Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applic...


US state to use GM corn for bio-refining

3.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

MADISON – Genetically engineered corn designed for use in ethanol could be a major boon for Wisconsin farmers, the state’s rural economy and the environment.


India counsels Europe on biotechnology, life science

3.2.2006   |   Press monitoring

BRUSSELS - Europe is increasingly looking to India for expertise in the area of life sciences and biotechnology, says an official from a leading Belgian biosciences company.




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