Press monitoring

Biotech Holds “Enormous Promise” for Developing World, says U.N.

19.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

Report calls for more public investment in agricultural research to help the poor Agricultural biotechnology holds "enormous promise" for helping poor people around the world — just as technological innovation from the Green Revolution of the 1960s and 70s launched a "virtuous cycle of rising productivity, improving living standards and...


Plant Biotechnology Goes Global With

17.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

More biotech crop plantings expected in Asia, Latin America and Africa Less than a decade after the first biotech crop was commercialized in 1996, biotech crops are now being grown in 18 countries, and research and development is being conducted in another 45, according to a study by a leading U.S. food and trade policy analyst....


Biofuels Are Helping Build Rural Economies

17.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

From China to South Africa, biofuels are helping to boost farmer incomes Increasingly, farmers are providing the fuel for a world that's as hungry for safe, renewable forms of energy as it is for nutritious food. With petroleum production expected to peak sometime before 2020, plant-derived biofuels are in demand as a more sustainable, cleaner...


Grains and gains

16.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

This month will be important for the future of agricultural biotechnology in Europe.


Plant produced lactoferrin comletes GRAS notification

16.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

The Dutch biotechnology company Pharming said last week that it had completed its filing for a Generally Recognised as Safe (GRAS) notification in the United States for use of its human lactoferrin (hlF) substance in foods.


Scientists develop mechanism to “switch on” genes

16.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

HYDERABAD - Scientists have worked out a mechanism to “switch on” genes introduced in a plant or an animal that has the potential for treatment of diseases like cancer, diabetes and Parkinsons as also for genetic crop modification.


GM foods verdict unlikely to alter EU rules

16.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

BRUSSELS - A ruling expected next month by the World Trade Organisation in the transatlantic dispute over genetically modified products is likely to have more political resonance than actual impact on European food and agriculture sectors, according to officials and experts.


Europe to say GM food can be labelled as organic

16.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

Brussels is to allow genetically modified food to be sold as organic produce.


A century of discoveries and scientific research make plant biotechnology possible

16.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

People have always strived to grow better, more plentiful foods. As early as 5000 BC, farmers began saving their best and sweetest corn to use as seed the next year. But it wasn't until 1865 that Mendel concluded "unseen particles" pass these traits from generation to generation.


8.25 million farmers—90 percent of whom farm in developing countries—choose to plant biotech crops

16.1.2006   |   Press monitoring

Farmers in 17 countries on six continents are using plant biotechnology to solve difficult crop production challenges and conserve the environment. Over the past decade, they've increased area planted in genetically modified (GM) crops by more than 10 percent each year, increased their farm income by more than $27 billion, and achieved economic,...




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