Press monitoring

Rapid and effective diagnosis of infectious diseases

23.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

The EU funded Optolab Card project is developing and mass producing a miniaturised optical laboratory on a card, allowing bacterial infectious diseases to be diagnosed in just 15 minutes. The new device is expected to reach the market in six years.


BrainStorm`s Stem Cells Benefit Parkinson`s

23.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

BrainStorm Cell Therapeutics has successfully implanted human bone marrow derived stem cells into animal models of Parkinson`s disease and observed improved motor function within just two weeks of implantation. The beneficial effect was retained for over three months.


Universal Flu Vaccine Nothing to Sniff At

23.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

BiondVax`s vaccine is expected to provide immunization against 95% of all influenza virus strains including the bird flu, says CEO Dr. Ron Babecoff. The current bird flu scare did not take BiondVax Pharmaceuticals by surprise. The Ramat-Hasharon-based company has been for the past two years been working on a universal flu vaccine. The product...


Clones Express Themselves Like Other Embryos

22.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Getting a cloned embryo to develop into a fully grown animal isn't easy—most clones die before birth. Challenging the mainstream explanation for these woes, a study of cloned cow embryos concludes that abnormal genetic programming is not the cause of the trouble.


New plant marker gene seen altering biotech research and production

22.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

A University of Tennessee research team has discovered a unique plant marker gene that may alter research and production of bioengineered crops


First Ever GM Plants Approved in Germany

22.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

HANNOVER (AP) - The German Federal Office for Plant Registration will allow three genetically modified maize varieties to be cultivated in Germany. On Wednesday, Michael Koeller, the German Judiciary Officer in Hannover, announced that, "Three genetically modified maize varieties that are resistant to the Corn Borer were granted legal regulatory...


Biotechnology and Genetic Diversity

22.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Could plant biotechnology affect wild ecosystems? Critics fear a genetically enhanced gene could "escape" from a farmer's field and breed with a wild relative to create a "superweed" that could overwhelm the natural environment and curtail genetic diversity.


Food and Environmental Safety: Experts Say Biotech Food and Crops are Safe

22.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Reports conclude food developed with biotechnology is as safe or safer than food developed with conventional practices.


Hunting for the genetic key to wiping out malaria

22.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Controlling malaria through an in-depth understanding of the genetics of mosquitoes is the ultimate goal of Imperial's new Professor of Insect Immunogenomics.


Is your business plan ready for investors?

22.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Only few business plans catch the interest of investors - often because the business plan is incomplete.




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