Press monitoring

Antioxidant Capacity, Anthocyanins and Total Phenolics in Purple- and Red-Fleshed Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Genotypes

14.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Purple- and red-fleshed potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were evaluated for their total anthocyanin (ACY), total phenolic (PHEN), and antioxidant capacity.


Mosquito expert battles spread of Dengue Fever

12.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

A UC Davis expert on insect-borne diseases will lead a research project on the feasibility of genetically modifying mosquitoes to reduce the incidence of dengue fever.


Bt Cotton Creates Three Times the Earnings for Indian Farmer

12.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Biotech crop could boost living standards for millions. When Mahalingappa Shankarikoppa saw the advertisement in the newspaper seeking farmers to test a new variety of cotton, he jumped at the opportunity.


Plant Research International and CatchMabs join forces

12.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Development of new technology for the detection of toxins and pathogens Plant Research International, part of Wageningen UR, together with CatchMabs, have announced a cooperative study to apply iMab technology to detect mycotoxins in food and plant pathogens in plant material. The partners will advance the work for applications at the nano-level....


Genetically modified foods: breeding uncertainty

9.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Genetically modified (GM) crops first appeared commercially in the mid-1990s to what seemed a bright and promising future. Resistant to pests and the herbicides used to control weeds, these new crops were so popular with farmers that millions of acres were planted with them by the turn of the millennium. Today, GM crops are grown commercially by...


Are you prepared for the new EU Medicines legislation?

5.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

The BIA is holding a one-day seminar, supported by its Regulatory Affairs Advisory Committee and sponsored by Arnold & Porter UK LLP, to enable bioscience companies to prepare for the new requirements and processes to be implemented by November 2005.


Swiss vote to tighten GMO regulations

5.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

Swiss voters have approved a referendum to tighten curbs on genetically modified farm products, a divisive topic in a country that already prohibits most of such technology from being used in agriculture.


JIC joins international project NetBioClue

5.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

The South Moravian Centre for Innovation (JIC) is the sole Czech organisation to join the international project NetBioClue, who’ s aim is to improve the functioning of a biotechnological cluster in the EU.


What part will the Mayo Clinic play in preparing the project and what form will its collaboration take?

5.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

In preparing the project we were able to make maximum use of more than 40 years of experience of th Mayo Clinic and its leading specialists in running its own centre for clinical reseach, which is currently the biggest in the world.


The unique portal Gate2Biotech offers everything in the one place

5.12.2005   |   Press monitoring

All information about biotechnology in the Czech Republic in one place- that’s the motto of the unique internet portal which has been created by the South Moravian Centre for Innovation (JIC).




  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
