Press monitoring

Synthetic DNA locks up drugs in the body – and only cancer has the key

2.10.2020   |   Press monitoring

Currently our best treatments for cancer are radiation and chemotherapy, but both have the unfortunate downside of not being particularly selective towards tumors. The radiation and chemicals damage and kill healthy cells throughout the body, leading to a range of unwanted health side effects like fatigue, nausea, and hair loss. In response, many...


Scientists knit new artery grafts out of collagen and synthetic fibers
Credit: Kredit: Guido Vrola -

Scientists knit new artery grafts out of collagen and synthetic fibers

30.9.2020   |   Press monitoring

Heart attack patients often need replacements for damaged or blocked sections of coronary arteries, which are usually taken from their own leg veins. But in a new proof-of-concept study, scientists knitted a prototype graft out of hybrid synthetic and biological yarn, forming a scaffold for the patients own cells to grow around and repair the...


Biosynthesized silver nanoparticles are promising for pest management
Credit: foliat -

Biosynthesized silver nanoparticles are promising for pest management

28.9.2020   |   Press monitoring

In recent years, a green synthesis approach involving plants has gained great attention with the aim of generating environment-friendly nanoparticles encompassing a vast range of applications. In a study published in Journal of Hazardous Materials, researchers from the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) provided evidence for the novel...


Customizable synthetic antibiotic outmaneuvers resistant bacteria
Credit: stokkete -

Customizable synthetic antibiotic outmaneuvers resistant bacteria

25.9.2020   |   Press monitoring

Antibiotic resistance is one of the world's most urgent public health threats. In the United States alone, tens of thousands of deaths result each year from drug-resistant strains of common bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecium, which can cause virtually untreatable hospital-acquired infections. Perilously few new...


Magnetic T-Budbots made from tea plants kill and clean biofilms
Credit: Tsuboya -

Magnetic T-Budbots made from tea plants kill and clean biofilms

23.9.2020   |   Press monitoring

Biofilms – microbial communities that form slimy layers on surfaces – are difficult to treat and remove, often because the microbes release molecules that block the entry of antibiotics and other therapies. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces have made magnetically propelled microbots derived from tea buds, which they...


Tarantula venom peptide may provide relief for IBS pain
Credit: Pink Badger -

Tarantula venom peptide may provide relief for IBS pain

21.9.2020   |   Press monitoring

Spider venom isn’t normally something you want in your body, but in some cases there might be exceptions. Australian researchers have now identified two peptides from tarantula venom that show promise in blocking organ pain, working particularly well in mouse models of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). After screening 28 spider species, the team...


Gene-edited livestock surrogate sires successfully made fertile
Credit: Bine -

Gene-edited livestock surrogate sires successfully made fertile

18.9.2020   |   Press monitoring

For the first time, scientists have created pigs, goats and cattle that can serve as viable "surrogate sires," male animals that produce sperm carrying only the genetic traits of donor animals. The advance, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences on Sept. 14, could speed the spread of desirable characteristics in...


Gel vaccines may be more effective than currently used liquids
Credit: angellodeco -

Gel vaccines may be more effective than currently used liquids

16.9.2020   |   Press monitoring

Some vaccines aren't very effective, which is due at least partially to the amount of time that they're active within the body. A new injectable hydrogel, however, could allow them to act for a longer period of time, making them more potent. Typically, however, the body is exposed to the antigens in liquid vaccines for just one to two days. By...


Project Phoenix: DNA unlocks a new understanding of coral
Credit: auimeesri -

Project Phoenix: DNA unlocks a new understanding of coral

14.9.2020   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have developed a new genetic tool that can help them better understand and ultimately work to save coral reefs. "Surprisingly, we still don't know how many coral species live on the Great Barrier Reef, how to identify them, or which species live where. And those are the first steps in saving an ecosystem like that," said Dr. Peter...


Growing gold nanoparticles inside tumors can help kill cancer

11.9.2020   |   Press monitoring

Gold isn’t just a pretty face – it’s shown promise in fighting cancer in many studies. Now researchers have found a way to grow gold nanoparticles directly inside cancer cells within 30 minutes, which can help with imaging and even be heated up to kill the tumors. In previous work, gold nanostars, nanotubes and other nanoparticle structures have...


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