Press monitoring

Human organs made transparent reveal their inner secrets
Credit: nerthuz -

Human organs made transparent reveal their inner secrets

14.2.2020   |   Press monitoring

Machine learning helps to expose the molecules and structures within a human kidney, eye and thyroid. To study the body’s inner workings, scientists generally chop up organs and construct 3D images from several thin slices of tissue – a time-consuming and error-prone process. Now, researchers have developed a way to peer inside intact human...


Cheap nanoparticles stimulate immune response to cancer in the lab

12.2.2020   |   Press monitoring

University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers have developed nanoparticles that, in the lab, can activate immune responses to cancer cells. If they are shown to work as well in the body as they do in the lab, the nanoparticles might provide an effective and more affordable way to fight cancer. They are cheaper to produce and easier to engineer than...


Scientists sequence the genome of basmati rice
Credit: JLycke -

Scientists sequence the genome of basmati rice

10.2.2020   |   Press monitoring

Using an innovative genome sequencing technology, researchers assembled the complete genetic blueprint of two basmati rice varieties, including one that is drought-tolerant and resistant to bacterial disease. The findings, published in Genome Biology, also show that basmati rice is a hybrid of two other rice groups. Basmati – derived from the...


Nanoparticle chomps away plaques that cause heart attacks
Credit: Kredit: Guido Vrola -

Nanoparticle chomps away plaques that cause heart attacks

7.2.2020   |   Press monitoring

Michigan State University and Stanford University scientists have invented a nanoparticle that eats away – from the inside out – portions of plaques that cause heart attacks. Bryan Smith, associate professor of biomedical engineering at MSU, and a team of scientists created a "Trojan Horse" nanoparticle that can be directed to eat debris,...


Kidney stem cells can be collected from urine to reduce transplants
Credit: luchshen -

Kidney stem cells can be collected from urine to reduce transplants

5.2.2020   |   Press monitoring

Transplants are often the last course of action available for people with kidney trouble, but donors can be hard to come by and the procedure is pretty invasive. Treating kidney disease with stem cells is an option, but obtaining those requires a biopsy. Now, researchers have isolated and studied kidney stem cells from urine samples, which could...


First release of genetically engineered moth could herald new era of crop protection
Credit: Marek Kosmal -

First release of genetically engineered moth could herald new era of crop protection

3.2.2020   |   Press monitoring

A newly published study reports a successful, first-ever open-field release of a self-limiting, genetically engineered diamondback moth, stating that it paves the way for an effective and sustainable approach to pest control. The diamondback moth, also known as Plutella xylostella, is highly damaging to brassica crops such as cabbage, broccoli,...


First Ever Lab-Grown Heart Muscle Transplant Successfully Carried Out In Japan
Credit: Iaroslava Zubenko -

First Ever Lab-Grown Heart Muscle Transplant Successfully Carried Out In Japan

31.1.2020   |   Press monitoring

Scientists from Osaka University in Japan has successfully completed the world's first transplant of lab-grown heart muscle tissues. The first-of-its-kind surgery was carried out on a patient in Osaka earlier this month, the researchers announced at a news conference on Monday, according to Japanese news agency Jiji Press. While it’s still...


Scientists are moving at record speed to create new coronavirus vaccines – but they may come too late

Scientists are moving at record speed to create new coronavirus vaccines – but they may come too late

29.1.2020   |   Press monitoring

In the stock pandemic movie, scientists are frantically working on concoctions to stop the spread of a newly emerging virus – and by the end, voila, they succeed and save the world. In the real world, vaccines played limited, if any, roles in slowing the Zika epidemic that walloped Latin America in 2016, the devastating 2014–16 West African Ebola...


Biodegradable tube excels at treatment of nerve injuries
Credit: -

Biodegradable tube excels at treatment of nerve injuries

27.1.2020   |   Press monitoring

When someone has suffered a major nerve injury, there are two common treatments: performing a nerve graft, or utilizing a conduit to guide the regrowth of the injured nerve. While both approaches have their drawbacks, a new variation on the latter may succeed where they fail. First of all, severed nerves are able to grow back together on their...


Tackling antibiotic resistance: Phage-mimicking antibacterial core-shell nanoparticles could help
Credit: Dr Graham Beards_WikimediaCommons

Tackling antibiotic resistance: Phage-mimicking antibacterial core-shell nanoparticles could help

24.1.2020   |   Press monitoring

According to the World Health Organization, one of the biggest health threats around the world is antibiotic-resistant bacteria. Researchers at the University of Notre Dame are working to combat this problem by looking to bacteriophages or phages. In a study published in Nanoscale Advances, the researchers have shown the efficacy of a new...


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