Press monitoring

Novel bioprinter shows potential to speed tissue engineering

6.12.2019   |   Press monitoring

The dream of tissue engineering is a computer-controlled manufacturing of complex and functional human tissue for potential organ regeneration or replacement. University of Alabama at Birmingham biomedical researchers have found a way to speed that tissue creation using a novel bioprinter built for $2,000, they report in the journal...


Early exposure to peanuts and eggs reduces risk of food allergies
Credit: Anthony DiChello -

Early exposure to peanuts and eggs reduces risk of food allergies

4.12.2019   |   Press monitoring

Food allergies are an increasing problem, and for affected people treatment is often limited to avoiding the trigger food. But a comprehensive study from the UK has now found that introducing interestingly, the correlation is clear even when subjects didn’t stick strictly to the regime. children to certain foods at an early age is associated with...


Hybrid antibiotics punch through bacterial biofilms
Credit: luchshen -

Hybrid antibiotics punch through bacterial biofilms

2.12.2019   |   Press monitoring

On their own, bacteria aren’t too hard to kill. The problem is, the crafty bugs tend to build colonies behind barriers known as biofilms, which are hard for antibiotics to penetrate. Now, researchers at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) have developed a hybrid antibiotic that can punch through some biofilms. Biofilms pose a particular...


Building better bacteriophage to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

29.11.2019   |   Press monitoring

Researchers are pursuing engineered bacteriophage as alternatives to antibiotics to infect and kill multi-drug resistant bacteria. The potential for an innovative synthetic biology approach to enhance phage therapeutics and the role a biofoundry can play in making this approach feasible and effective is discussed in an article in PHAGE: Therapy,...


Ultrasensitive protein method lets scientists ID someone from a single strand of hair

27.11.2019   |   Press monitoring

A new forensic technique could have criminals – and some prosecutors – tearing their hair out: Researchers have developed a method they say can identify a person from as little as 1 centimeter of a single strand of hair – and that is eight times more sensitive than similar protein analysis techniques. If the new method ever makes it into the...


Promising new antibiotic discovered in worm gut microbiome
Credit: stokkete -

Promising new antibiotic discovered in worm gut microbiome

25.11.2019   |   Press monitoring

We’re currently in dire need of new weapons against infectious bacteria, especially those in a tough-to-kill class known as gram-negative bacteria. Now, researchers at Northeastern University have discovered just that, hiding in the gut of a tiny, soil-dwelling, parasitic worm. Tests on mice have so far proved promising. The new antibiotic,...


In a first for cell biology, scientists observe ribosome assembly in real time
Credit: 4designersart -

In a first for cell biology, scientists observe ribosome assembly in real time

22.11.2019   |   Press monitoring

A team of scientists from Scripps Research and Stanford University has recorded in real time a key step in the assembly of ribosomes – the complex and evolutionarily ancient "molecular machines" that make proteins in cells and are essential for all life forms. The achievement, reported in Cell, reveals in unprecedented detail how strands of...


Encouraging early results from first human CRISPR gene therapy trials
Credit: Kredit: Guido Vrola -

Encouraging early results from first human CRISPR gene therapy trials

20.11.2019   |   Press monitoring

Promising preliminary data from one of the first human trials testing the safety and efficacy of a CRISPR gene therapy has just been revealed. Although it is too early to evaluate long-term effects, the initial reports are impressively successful for two patients with severe genetic blood diseases. Until February of this year, when pharmaceutical...


How to make better biofuels? Convince yeast it is not starving
Credit: Jezper -

How to make better biofuels? Convince yeast it is not starving

18.11.2019   |   Press monitoring

Yeast already helps make bread and beer and cranks out the biofuel ethanol, but scientists believe it can be used to create an even more efficient fuel called isobutanol. Normally, yeast only creates a tiny amount of isobutanol. Now researchers at Princeton University have discovered a genetic switch that significantly ramps up ...


Better biosensor technology created for stem cells

15.11.2019   |   Press monitoring

A Rutgers-led team has created better biosensor technology that may help lead to safe stem cell therapies for treating Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and other neurological disorders. The technology, which features a unique graphene and gold-based platform and high-tech imaging, monitors the fate of stem cells by detecting genetic...


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