Press monitoring

Cyborg organoids offer rare view into early stages of development

12.8.2019   |   Press monitoring

What happens in the early days of organ development? How do a small group of cells organize to become a heart, a brain, or a kidney? This critical period of development has long remained the black box of developmental biology, in part because no sensor was small or flexible enough to observe this process without damaging the cells. Now,...


3D printing the human heart
Credit: Dmytro Tolokonov -

3D printing the human heart

9.8.2019   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers from Carnegie Mellon University has published a paper in Science that details a new technique allowing anyone to 3D bioprint tissue scaffolds out of collagen, the major structural protein in the human body. This first-of-its-kind method brings the field of tissue engineering one step closer to being able to 3D print a...


Chimeric mighty mouse with human brain cells to advance Alzheimers research

7.8.2019   |   Press monitoring

Researchers from University of California, Irvine have developed a new transgenic mouse model with human brain immune cells. The novel breakthrough will allow scientists the ability to observe how human brain cells respond to different Alzheimer's-inducing toxic proteins, significantly advancing our understanding into how neurodegenerative...


Scientists develop novel nano-vaccine for melanoma
Credit: angellodeco -

Scientists develop novel nano-vaccine for melanoma

5.8.2019   |   Press monitoring

Researchers at Tel Aviv University have developed a novel nano-vaccine for melanoma, the most aggressive type of skin cancer. Their innovative approach has so far proven effective in preventing the development of melanoma in mouse models and in treating primary tumors and metastases that result from melanoma. The focus of the research is on a...


Researchers build artificial cells that sense and respond to their environment
Credit: Jezper -

Researchers build artificial cells that sense and respond to their environment

2.8.2019   |   Press monitoring

The artificial cells could be used to sense changes in the body and respond by releasing drug molecules, or to sense and remove harmful metals in the environment. However, in natural cells these chemical responses can be very complex, involving multiple steps. This makes them difficult to engineer, for example if researchers wanted to make...


To feed its 1.4 billion, China bets big on genome editing of crops

31.7.2019   |   Press monitoring

Chinese leaders “want to strategically invest in genome editing, and [by that] I mean, catch up,” says Zhang Bei, who heads a team of 50 scientists at the Syngenta Beijing Innovation Center and works closely with a sister R&D facility in Durham. “And they also want to be the global leader as well in this area.” China may one day need...


Antibiotic-resistant genes found in Londons canals and ponds

29.7.2019   |   Press monitoring

Central London's freshwater sources contain high levels of antibiotic resistant genes, with the River Thames having the highest amount, according to research by UCL. The Regent's Canal, Regent's Park Pond and the Serpentine all contained the genes but at lower levels than the Thames, which contained genes providing resistance for bacteria to...


Worm pheromones protect major crops
Credit: PhotographyByMK -

Worm pheromones protect major crops

26.7.2019   |   Press monitoring

Protecting crops from pests and pathogens without using toxic pesticides has been a longtime goal of farmers. Researchers at Boyce Thompson Institute have found that compounds from an unlikely source – microscopic soil roundworms – could achieve this aim. These compounds helped protect major crops from various pathogens, and thus have potential...


Bacteria-killing gel heals itself while healing you

24.7.2019   |   Press monitoring

McMaster researchers have developed a novel new gel made entirely from bacteria-killing viruses. The anti-bacterial gel, which can be targeted to attack specific forms of bacteria, holds promise for numerous beneficial applications in medicine and environmental protection. Among many possibilities, it could be used as an antibacterial coating...


Cuttlefish ink found promising for cancer treatment
Credit: Omega60 -

Cuttlefish ink found promising for cancer treatment

22.7.2019   |   Press monitoring

Researchers have found that cuttlefish ink – a black suspension sprayed by cuttlefish to deter predators – contains nanoparticles that strongly inhibit the growth of cancerous tumors in mice. The nanoparticles consist mostly of melanin by weight, along with amino acids, monosaccharides (simple sugars), metals, and other compounds. The researchers...


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