Press monitoring

Nordic microalgae cleans wastewater and produces biodiesel

Nordic microalgae cleans wastewater and produces biodiesel

3.6.2019   |   Press monitoring

Green microalgae are photosynthetic water organisms that use sunlight and a few other nutrients to transform CO2 into energy and biomass. Algae biomass is considered a good raw material for the production of biofuels, as these microorganisms can naturally form and store large amounts of lipids, which in turn can be converted into biodiesel. In...


Chemists develop nanoscale bioabsorbable wound dressing
Credit: © DGGallery -

Chemists develop nanoscale bioabsorbable wound dressing

31.5.2019   |   Press monitoring

Scientists at Texas A&M University are harnessing the combined power of organic nanomaterials-based chemistry and a natural product found in crustacean exoskeletons to help bring emergency medicine one step closer to a viable solution for mitigating blood loss, from the hospital to the battlefield. Hemorrhage is a leading cause of death in...


Cranberries join forces with antibiotics to fight bacteria
Credit: Janice Haney Carr

Cranberries join forces with antibiotics to fight bacteria

29.5.2019   |   Press monitoring

The global spread of antibiotic resistance is undermining decades of progress in fighting bacterial infections. Due to the overuse of antibiotics in medicine and agriculture, we are on the cusp of returning to a pre-antibiotic era in which minor infections can once again become deadly. Therefore, countering the fall in antibiotic efficacy by...


Like submicroscopic spacecrafts: Graphene flakes to control neuron aktivity
Credit: I.M.Redesiuk -

Like submicroscopic spacecrafts: Graphene flakes to control neuron aktivity

27.5.2019   |   Press monitoring

Like in a science fiction novel, miniscule spacecrafts able to reach a specific site of the brain and influence the operation of specific types of neurons or drug delivery: Graphene flakes, the subject matter of the new study of the group of SISSA professor Laura Ballerini, open up truly futuristic horizons. Measuring just one millionth of a...


Snakebite crisis gets US$100-million boost for better antivenoms

24.5.2019   |   Press monitoring

Biomedical-research funder the Wellcome Trust has announced an ambitious initiative to improve the treatment of snakebites in poor countries. Snakebites kill tens of thousands of people a year, partly because they are treated with archaic antivenoms that often work only for one species. Wellcome’s ?80-million (US$103-million) programme, announced...


Placental stem cells found to regenerate heart cells after heart attack

Placental stem cells found to regenerate heart cells after heart attack

22.5.2019   |   Press monitoring

According to the World Health Organization, cardiovascular diseases are the biggest killers of people in modern times, and it's largely due to the heart's inability to repair itself properly. Even if a person survives the initial cardiac arrest event, scar tissue renders the heart less effective at pumping blood and more likely to suffer future...


How plant viruses can be used to ward off pests and keep plants healthy

20.5.2019   |   Press monitoring

Imagine a technology that could target pesticides to treat specific spots deep within the soil, making them more effective at controlling infestations while limiting their toxicity to the environment. Researchers at the University of California San Diego and Case Western Reserve University have taken a step toward that goal. They discovered that...


Lamprey molecules squirm into the brain to deliver cancer drugs

17.5.2019   |   Press monitoring

With a mouth like a whirlpool full of teeth, the lamprey is not something you'd normally want anywhere near your brain. But now, researchers from the Universities of Texas and Wisconsin-Madison have used molecules taken from the freaky fish's immune system to deliver drugs inside the body – and even managed to sneak them into the brain. The...


Researchers replace the genes of E. coli bacteria with synthesized genome
Credit: Gunnar Assmy -

Researchers replace the genes of E. coli bacteria with synthesized genome

15.5.2019   |   Press monitoring

A team of researchers at Cambridge University has replaced the genes of E. coli bacteria with genomes they synthesized in the lab. In their paper published in the journal Nature, the group describes replacing the genome and removing redundant genetic codes. The genome of any given organism is quite complex, yet it is based on just three sets of...


How scorpion venom is helping surgeons detect brain cancer
Credit: psdesign1 -

How scorpion venom is helping surgeons detect brain cancer

13.5.2019   |   Press monitoring

A new imaging technique designed to help surgeons identify the location of malignant brain tumors during surgery is showing promising early clinical trial results. The technique combines a new high-sensitivity near-infrared camera with a special imaging agent synthesized from an amino acid found in scorpion venom. Treating gliomas, a lethal kind...


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