Press monitoring

Organoids reveal inflammatory processes in chlamydia infections
Credit: Gunnar Assmy -

Organoids reveal inflammatory processes in chlamydia infections

25.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

For a long time, researchers were only able to examine human cells infected with bacteria by using cancer cell lines. However, these transformed cells often give a false impression of the infection process. Fallopian tube organoids from normal human fallopian tube cells, on the other hand, reflect the natural structure of the tissue. Scientists...


Baby monkey is first primate created using sperm from tissue transplanted into dad
Credit: sciencedisplay -

Baby monkey is first primate created using sperm from tissue transplanted into dad

22.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

A one-of-a-kind rhesus macaque named Grady is growing up under intense scrutiny at the Oregon National Primate Research Center in Beaverton. That’s because she has an unusual pedigree: researchers created her using sperm from tissue harvested from her father’s testicles when he was young, and then grafted onto his body as an adult. If all goes...


Scientists grow mini-brain on the move that can contract muscle
Credit: luchshen -

Scientists grow mini-brain on the move that can contract muscle

20.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

Scientists have grown a miniature brain in a dish with a spinal cord and muscles attached, an advance that promises to accelerate the study of conditions such as motor neurone disease. The lentil-sized grey blob of human brain cells were seen to spontaneously send out tendril-like connections to link up with the spinal cord and muscle tissue,...


Japan poised to allow reprogrammed stem-cell therapy for damaged corneas
Credit: valpictures -

Japan poised to allow reprogrammed stem-cell therapy for damaged corneas

18.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

A Japanese committee has provisionally approved the use of reprogrammed stem cells to treat diseased or damaged corneas. Researchers are now waiting for final approval from the health ministry to test the treatment in people with corneal blindness, which affects millions of people around the world. The cornea, a transparent layer that covers and...


Sugar set for energycane reinvention
Credit: Chimi -

Sugar set for energycane reinvention

15.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

Gene-editing sugarcane for use in renewable energy and bio-plastics could help secure the industry's future. The University of Queensland's Professor Robert Henry said sugarcane's reinvention as an "energycane" crop could sustain the industry in the face of falling global demand for sugar. "The industry must think beyond just producing...


3-D-printed live cells convert glucose to ethanol, carbon dioxide to enhance catalytic efficiency
Credit: Jezper -

3-D-printed live cells convert glucose to ethanol, carbon dioxide to enhance catalytic efficiency

13.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) researchers have 3-D printed live cells that convert glucose to ethanol and carbon dioxide gas (CO2), a substance that resembles beer, demonstrating a technology that can lead to high biocatalytic efficiency. Bioprinting living mammalian cells into complex 3-D scaffolds has been widely studied and...


Polymer catheter coating kills infection-causing bacteria
Credit: mathom -

Polymer catheter coating kills infection-causing bacteria

11.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

Hospital-acquired infections are a serious problem, and the most common type of such infections occurs when catheters are inserted into blood vessels. A new coating, however, shows promise for killing bacteria at insertion sites, keeping them from establishing biofilm colonies on the catheters. Developed at Rhode Island's Brown University, the...


Nanotechnology makes it possible for mice to see in infrared

8.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

Mice with vision enhanced by nanotechnology were able to see infrared light as well as visible light, reports a study published February 28 in the journal Cell. A single injection of nanoparticles in the mice's eyes bestowed infrared vision for up to 10 weeks with minimal side effects, allowing them to see infrared light even during the day and...


Stem cell treatment puts HIV into long-term remission in landmark study
Credit: Andrii

Stem cell treatment puts HIV into long-term remission in landmark study

6.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

An international team of scientists is reporting the "functional cure" of an HIV patient for only the second time ever. Known only as "the London patient," the man received a transplant of bone marrow stem cells from a donor that had a resistance to the virus. The patient has now been in remission for 18 months, with no sign of the HIV-1...


With nanotubes, genetic engineering in plants is easy-peasy

4.3.2019   |   Press monitoring

Inserting or tweaking genes in plants is more art than science, but a new technique developed by University of California, Berkeley, scientists could make genetically engineering any type of plant – in particular, gene editing with CRISPR-Cas9 – simple and quick. To deliver a gene, the researchers graft it onto a carbon nanotube, which is tiny...


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