Date: 29.5.2023
The many types of cells in the human body are produced through the process of differentiation, in which stem cells are converted to more specialized types. Currently, it is challenging for researchers to control the differentiation of stem cells in the lab (in vitro).
Of particular interest are oocytes, which are female germ cells that develop into eggs. Understanding their development could have far-ranging impacts, from infertility treatment to conservation of endangered species.
A new study by a Japanese team of researchers led by Dr. Mitinori Saitou has successfully induced meiotic (dividing) oocytes from the embryonic stem cells of cynomolgus monkeys, which share many physiological traits with humans. By establishing a culture method for inducing the differentiation of meiotic oocytes, the researchers aimed to shed light on germ cell development in both humans and other primates.
Asked about the potential impact of their study, the authors said that their method of reconstituting multiple steps in the development of female germ cells may help to clarify the molecular mechanisms of primate oocyte development and could one day contribute to the treatment of impaired oocyte development in reproductive medicine.
First author Dr. Sayuri Gyobu-Motani says, "We hope that that our culture system can aid in the conservation of endangered species and the creation of in vitro oocyte induction systems for other mammalian species with long lifespans."
Image source: ASHBi/Kyoto University.
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