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Key To Unlocking The Secret Of Highly Specific DNAzyme Catalysis Discovered

Date: 15.11.2007 

Researchers at the University of Illinois have found clear evidence that a lead-specific DNAzyme uses the "**lock and key**" reaction mechanism, which explains why this particular lead-specific DNAzyme makes such a sensitive and selective sensor. "Understanding the relationship between conformational change and reaction is important in obtaining deeper insight into how DNAzymes work and for designing more efficient **sensors**," said U. of I. chemistry professor Yi Lu, a corresponding author of a paper accepted for publication in Nature Chemical Biology. #img_788#.> *Using an extremely sensitive measurement technique called single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer, Lu, physics professor Taekjip Ha and their research team studied the metal-dependent conformational change and cleavage activity of a particular lead-sensitive DNAzyme.* Source: "http://www.sciencedaily.com":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/11/071112100657.htm]



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