Date: 9.4.2007
Mayo Clinic Study Shows Drug-Eluting Stent Use in Heart Patients Determined More by Insurance Type, Hospital Location than Medical Condition - If you want the best technology available to relieve blocked blood flow to the heart, the choice is a drug-eluting stent (28.3.2007)
Irregular Heartbeat Linked to Genetic Mutation, Mayo Clinic Study Shows - Every day for 10 years, a seemingly heart-healthy 53-year-old woman experienced rapid and irregular heartbeats (27.2.2007)
Mayo Discovers Protein as Potential Tactic to Prevent Tumors - The researchers examined a protein called cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2), which works as a "quality control inspector (5.11.2006)
Mayo Researchers Discover HIV Dependence On A Human Protein - Mayo Clinic virologists have discovered that a specific human protein is essential for HIV to integrate into the human genome (20.9.2006)
Mayo Clinic (only in Czech language) - Americká Mayo Clinic z Rochesteru, jedna z nejlepších univerzitních nemocnic USA a současně nositelka Nobelovy ceny za medicínu, se bude aktivně účastnit projektu Mezinárodního centra klinického výzkumu (International Clinical Research Center Brno, dále jen ICRC), které vzniká při Fakultní nemocnici u sv (18.4.2006)
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