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Making Gene Therapy Safer: Delivering Genes Via Polymers

Date: 20.9.2007 

In work that could lead to safe and effective techniques for **gene therapy**, MIT researchers have found a way to fine-tune the ability of **biodegradable polymers** to deliver genes. Gene therapy, which involves inserting new genes into patients' cells to fight diseases like cancer, holds great promise but has yet to realize its full potential, in part because of safety concerns over the conventional technique of using viruses to carry the genes. The new MIT work, published this week in Advanced Materials, focuses on creating gene carriers from synthetic, **non-viral materials**. Non-viral vectors could prove not only safer than viruses but also more effective in some cases. The polymers can carry a larger DNA payload than viruses, and they may avoid the **immune system**, which could allow multiple therapeutic applications if needed, said Green. One promising line of research involves ovarian cancer, where the MIT researchers, in conjunction with Janet Sawicki at the Lankenau Institute for Medical Research, have demonstrated that these polymer-DNA nanoparticles can deliver **DNA** at high levels to ovarian tumors without harming... Whole article: "http://www.sciencedaily.com":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/09/070907095614.htm]



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