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Micelles offer non-toxic cancer treatment hopes

Date: 18.7.2008 

The unwanted growth of **blood vessels** is a key feature of a number of serious diseases including **cancers, arthritis and macular degeneration**. While there are a number of drugs that effectively inhibit the angiogenesis, or growth, of these vessels some only target a limited number of receptor or have unacceptable side affects. A team at Boston Children's Hospital have now succeeded in reformulating a broad-spectrum angiogenesis inhibitor, TNP-470, using a **nanotechnology** approach into a form that can be taken orally and that has the potential to be used as a preventative or maintenance therapy for a variety of cancers. Whole article "nanomednet":[ http://www.nano.org.uk/nanomednet/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=308&Itemid=1]



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