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Nanomedicine System Engineered To Enhance Therapeutic Effects Of Injectable Drugs

Date: 7.3.2008 

A proof-of-concept study on a new multistage delivery system (MDS) for imaging and therapeutic applications has been proposed in **Nature Nanotechnology** in an article authored by Mauro Ferrari, Ph.D., of The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston. This discovery could go a long way toward making injectable drugs more effective. "This is next generation nanomedicine," said Ferrari, the senior author. "Now, we're engineering sophisticated **nanostructures** to elude the body's natural defenses, locate tumors and other diseased cells, and release a payload of **therapeutics**, contrasting agents, or both over a controlled period. It's the difference between riding a bicycle and a motorcycle." Whole article on "nano.org.uk":[ http://www.nano.org.uk/nanomednet/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=191&Itemid=1]



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