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Nanoparticle Boost for Antitumor Vaccines

Date: 21.2.2007 

Researchers have known for some time that certain sequences of synthetic DNA induce potent immune responses when injected into animals and humans. A new study, conducted by Ying Tam, Ph.D., and colleagues at Inex Pharmaceuticals, demonstrates that encapsulating these synthetic DNAs in lipid-based nanoparticles greatly enhances the immunogenicity of these DNAs and that the nanoparticle-encased DNA sequences trigger antitumor activity when administered together with tumor-associated antigens. Previous work by this group of investigators showed that lipid-based nanoparticles enhance the immune system stimulation activity of so-called CpG oligodeoxynucleotides by improving their uptake by immune cells. This boost occurs regardless of whether the nanoparticles are injected into the bloodstream, beneath the skin (subcutaneously), or directly into a tumor.... Whole article: "www.nanotechwire.com":[ http://nanotechwire.com/news_list.asp?ntid=130]

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