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Nanotechnology in Consumer Products

Date: 27.11.2006 

More and more consumer products are branded with the buzzword “nano” or nanotechnology. Are we witnessing the onset of an emerging technology or is it just a sophisticated advertisement strategy? If the is technology is true, what is the added value to certain products and does the consumer really benefit? In general the products claiming to contain nanotechnology do indeed exploit nanoscale effects, primarily interface effects but also a few quantum effects. Interestingly, the products that proudly use the “nano” brand are only a small percentage of the number of consumer products that actually contain nanotechnologies, for instance in the microelectronics, cosmetics, pharmaceutical and food industries. The following report focuses on consumer products emerging in various commercial sectors which claim to have nanotechnological products on the European market. More: "Nanoforum": [ http://www.nanoforum.org/nf06~modul~showmore~folder~99999~scid~421~.html?action=longview_publication&]

New Report Explores Nanotechnology's Future - Controlling the properties and behavior of matter at the smallest scale -- in effect, "domesticating atoms" -- can help to overcome some of the world's biggest challenges, concludes a new report on how diverse experts view the future of nanotechnology (26.4.2007)

50 atoms thick membrane sorts individual molecules - A newly designed porous membrane, so thin it's invisible edge-on, may revolutionize the way doctors and scientists manipulate objects as small as a molecule (18.2.2007)



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