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Nanotechnology is Addressing Unmet Needs in the Pharmaceutical Industry, Including the Reformulation of Drugs to Improve Their Bioavailability or Toxicity Profiles

Date: 13.4.2006 

Nanotechnology touches upon many aspects of medicine, including drug delivery, diagnostic imaging, clinical diagnostics, nanomedicines, and the use of nanomaterials in medical devices. This technology is already having an impact; many products are on the market and a growing number are in the pipeline. Momentum is steadily building for the successful development of additional nanotech products to diagnose and treat disease; the most active areas of product development are drug delivery and in vivo imaging. Nanotechnology is addressing unmet needs in the pharmaceutical industry, including the reformulation of drugs to improve their bioavailability or toxicity profiles. The next five years should see a steady succession of new nanomedicines entering the marketplace. In this Decision Resources report, recent developments in nanotechnology are covered as well as general trends in the industry. The report explores the nanotechnology industry that is involved in developing medical products and procedures, the corresponding therapeutic and diagnostic markets, products under development, the current investment climate, challenging patent and business strategies, and the outlook for nanotechnology in medicine. With at least 12 nanomedicines already approved and progressively more in active development, the next five years should see a steady succession of new nanotech-based drugs, imaging agents, and diagnostic products entering the marketplace. The most active areas of medical nanotechnology are in drug delivery and in vivo imaging. Nanotechnology is addressing unmet needs in the pharmaceutical industry, including the reformulation of drugs to improve their bioavailability or toxicity profiles. For instance, four drugs have been approved based upon Elan's nanocrystal technology. Nanoparticles have also been designed to effectively target disease sites for treatment, including Abraxane, a breast cancer treatment developed by American Pharmaceutical Partners. Although levels of financing from public markets and private investments have declined recently, in part because of adverse market conditions, the investment community is taking nanotechnology seriously. No fewer than six new stock indices have been launched to track nanotech, and at least four publicly traded venture capital fi rms now specialize in nanotechnology. Nanomedicine markets will be complex and competitive as companies employ nanotechnology to extend patent term, exclusivity, and market life. Impediments to nanotechnology commercialization include the creation of effective strategies to untangle complicated intellectual property situations, the effective licensing and commercialization of nanotech products, and the better understanding of safety, health, and environmental risks. Key topics covered include: -- Momentum Is Steadily Building -- Worldwide Landscape -- Markets -- Products -- Nanomedicines -- Nanoformulations and Drug Delivery -- Microbubbles -- Nanodiagnostics -- In Vivo Imaging -- In Vitro Clinical Diagnostics -- Nanomaterials in Medical Devices -- Investment Climate -- Launch of the Nanotech Stock Index -- Initial Public Offering Environment -- Venture Capital Environment -- A Challenging Patent Climate -- Business Strategies -- Cross-Licensing -- Mergers and Acquisitions -- Research and Product Development Collaborations -- Safety, Nanotoxicology, and Bioethical Issues -- Outlook for Nanotechnology in Medicine Some of the companies mentioned include: -- Elan -- American Pharmaceutical Partners -- Lux Capital -- Novavax -- Merck -- Abbott -- SkyePharma -- Par Pharmaceuticals -- Wyeth -- Johnson & Johnson -- Advanced Magnetics -- Flamel Technologies -- NanoBio -- Nucryst Pharmaceuticals -- pSivida -- BioAlliance Pharma -- Copernicus Therapeutics -- Entremed -- Bristol-Myers Squibb -- Janssen -- Sanofi-Aventis -- Roche -- MAP Pharmaceuticals -- ImaRx Therapeutics -- Guerbet (France) -- Immunicon -- Veridex -- Nanogen -- Epoch Biosciences -- Synx -- Smith & Nephew -- Hewlett-Packard -- BASF -- IBM -- NEC -- General Electric -- General Motors -- 3M -- El DuPont de Nemours -- Acrongenomics -- Advanced Nanotechnology -- Lumera -- NanoHorizons -- Starpharma -- Orthovita -- Biophan Technologies -- Biodelivery Sciences International -- Harris & Harris Group -- Arrowhead Research "Source":[ http://www10.nanotechcafe.com/nbc/articles/view_article.php?section=CorpNews&articleid=254933].

New Report Explores Nanotechnology's Future - Controlling the properties and behavior of matter at the smallest scale -- in effect, "domesticating atoms" -- can help to overcome some of the world's biggest challenges, concludes a new report on how diverse experts view the future of nanotechnology (26.4.2007)

50 atoms thick membrane sorts individual molecules - A newly designed porous membrane, so thin it's invisible edge-on, may revolutionize the way doctors and scientists manipulate objects as small as a molecule (18.2.2007)

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