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New biomass technology dramatically increases ethanol yield from grasses and yard waste

Date: 30.7.2008 

University of Georgia researchers have developed a **new technology** that promises to dramatically increase the yield of **ethanol** from readily available non-food crops, such as Bermudagrass, switchgrass, Napiergrass—and even yard waste. "Producing ethanol from renewable biomass sources such as grasses is desirable because they are potentially available in large quantities," said Joy Peterson, professor of microbiology and chair of UGA's Bioenergy Task Force. "Optimizing the breakdown of the plant fibers is critical to production of liquid transportation fuel via fermentation." Peterson developed the new technology with former UGA microbiology student Sarah Kate Brandon, and Mark Eiteman, professor of biological and agricultural engineering. Whole article on "physorg":[ http://www.physorg.com/news136471253.html]



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