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New Direction For Pancreas Cell Regeneration

Date: 5.4.2007 

Replacing faulty or missing cells with new insulin-making cells has been the object of diabetes research for the last decade. Past studies in tissue culture have suggested that one type of pancreas cell could be coaxed to transform into insulin-producing islet cells. Now, researchers at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine have demonstrated that these pancreatic acinar cells do not become insulin-producing cells in an animal model. However, they did show that injured pancreatic cells readily regenerate back into healthy acinar cells, which has implications for treating cancer and inflammation of the pancreas. This study appears in the April issue of the Journal of Clinical Investigation. The research also holds promise for new techniques for pancreas cell manipulation. The pancreas is made up of two compartments with different functions: the islet compartment of insulin-producing beta cells and the much larger exocrine compartment composed of duct cells and acinar cells that make and deliver enzymes to the intestine for digestion. Diabetes is caused by the failure of the beta cells to make insulin, whereas pancreatic cancer usually originates from the exocrine compartment. Under certain conditions in tissue culture, acinar cells can synthesize insulin as well as amylase, a digestion enzyme. Whole article: "www.sciencedaily.com":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/04/070403112013.htm]

Pig cells work for diabetic man 10 years on - Cells from a pig transplanted into a diabetic man from New Zealand are still producing insulin nearly 10 years later, prompting a biotechnology company to plan research to see if others could benefit (1.4.2007)

Governors ask FDA to release guidelines on generic insulin and growth hormone - The documents would help spur competition and eventually drive down prices, shaving hundreds of millions of dollars from the nearly $2 billion spent on the two biotechnology drugs each year, the governors of Kansas, Minnesota, Vermont and Wisconsin wrote in petitioning the Food and Drug Administration (4.8.2006)

The insulinoma-associated 1: a novel promoter for targeted cancer gene therapy for small-cell lung cancer - The insulinoma-associated 1 (INSM1) gene is expressed exclusively during early embryonal development, but has been found re-expressed at high levels in neuroendocrine tumors (27.4.2006)

Cinnamon, Cloves Improve Insulin Function, Lower Risk Factors For Diabetes, Cardiovascular Disease - Two studies presented at Experimental Biology 2006 provide new evidence for the beneficial effects (and biochemical actions) of cinnamon as an anti-inflammatory agent and support earlier findings of its power as an anti-oxidant agent and an agent able to lower cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose, and improve how well insulin functions (18.4.2006)

Yeast could deliver insulin as a spray - UK scientists think that diabetes patients could be able to receive insulin via a nasal spray using yeast, which would open up the way for a spray to be developed to replace injections (2.3.2006)



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