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New discovery in cancer cell communication

Date: 17.11.2005 

Researchers at Monash University and the Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre in New York uncovered the structure of a cell-surface protease called ADAM10 that controls communication between tumour cells. The way how cancer cells communicate with each other has the major effect on the tumour growth and motility of cancer cells (metastasis). Understanding the structure of the ADAM10 molecule could help to develop innovative pharmaceutical drugs which may be successfuly used for treatment of a range of cancers. The critical role of ADAM10 in tumour growth and spreading was known for quite a long time, but the information that ADAM10 specifically regulates Eph and Ephrin molecules which are found at high levels in many human cancers is new. For more information please click "here":[ http://www.in-pharmatechnologist.com].



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