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New drug achieves pancreatic cancer tumor remission and prevents recurrence

Date: 10.5.2009 

**Pancreatic cancer** remains one of the deadliest cancers, but researchers may have found a **combination therapy** to reduce cancer stem cells and stop pancreatic cancer growth. Results will be presented at the American Association for Cancer Research 100th Annual Meeting 2009. Rajesh Kumar N.V., Ph.D., a faculty member at the Sidney Kimmel Comprehensive Cancer Center at Johns Hopkins University, said a combination therapy using tigatuzumab, a novel humanized **death receptor-5** (DR-5) agonist antibody, along with **gemcitabine**, may result in reducing pancreatic cancer stem cells to achieve tumor remission and prevent tumor recurrence. "American Association for Cancer Research":[ http://www.aacr.org/home/public--media/aacr-press-releases.aspx?d=1324]



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