Date: 18.3.2007
Scientists find brain tumor protein link - U (21.7.2007)
Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, type 2 diabetes similar at molecular level - Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes, the human version of mad cow disease, and other degenerative diseases are more closely related at the molecular level than scientists realized, a team reports this week in an advanced online publication of the journal Nature (2.5.2007)
Embryonic Stem Cells Turned Into Cerebellar Neurons By Chemical Cues - In order to differentiate and specialize, stem cells require very specific environmental cues in a very specific order, and scientists have so far been unable to prod them to go through each of the necessary steps (19.3.2007)
Deconstructing Brain Wiring, One Neuron at a Time - Researchers have long said they won’t be able to understand the brain until they can put together a “wiring diagram” – a map of how billions of neurons are interconnected (2.3.2007)
Scientists produce neurons from human skin - Scientists from Université Laval’s Faculty of Medicine have succeeded in producing neurons in vitro using stem cells extracted from adult human skin (25.2.2007)
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