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New Micro-chip Detector Will Be Able To Detect Thousands Of Substances

Date: 4.5.2007 

A Sandia National Laboratories research team is developing a new type of electrochemical sensor that uses a unique surface chemistry to reliably and accurately detects thousands of differing biomolecules on a single platform. The new bioagent detection system could be applicable in homeland defense, safeguarding warfighters, and clinical diagnostics. "A problem with the majority of existing biosensors is that they only look for one type of biomolecule [DNA or protein] at a time," says Jason Harper, research team member. "This can often lead to inaccurate or inconclusive results and limits the use of the sensor. Where our sensor differs is that multiple characteristics of several bioagent targets can be tested on a single chip."... Whole "ScienceDaily":[ www.sciencedaily.com]

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