Date: 4.5.2007
Nanoparticles improve delivery of medicines and diagnostics - Tiny, biodegradable particles filled with medicine may also contain answers to some of the biggest human health problems, including cancer and tuberculosis (14.4.2007)
Hydrogel Particles Pave Way For New Bedside Diagnostics - MIT researchers have created an inexpensive method to screen for millions of different biomolecules (DNA, proteins, etc (13.3.2007)
The Genetic Signature Of Diseases: The Future Of Diagnostics - Most of the DNA genomic sequences of organisms are now known, however those of some organisms continue to be the focus of ongoing scientific research throughout the world (11.10.2006)
Pharmacogenomic Testing and Regulation: The Role of Pharmacogenomics in Pharmaceutical Development and the Regulation of Pharmacogenetic Test as In Vitro Diagnostics - This article reviews the current role and future trends of pharmacogenomic testing in pharmaceutical development and postmarketing surveillance (2.5.2006)
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