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New Petroleum-degrading Bacteria Found at Rancho La Brea Tar Pits in Los Angeles

Date: 15.5.2007 

Environmental scientists at UC Riverside have discovered that the Rancho La Brea tar pits in Los Angeles, Calif., house hundreds of new species of bacteria with unusual properties, allowing the bacteria to survive and grow in heavy oil and natural asphalt. Trapped in soil that was mixed with heavy oil nearly 28,000 years ago, the bacteria are uniquely adapted to the pits' oil and natural asphalt, and contain three previously undiscovered classes of enzymes that can naturally break down petroleum products, the researchers report. "We were surprised to find these bacteria because asphalt is an extreme and hostile environment for life to survive," said Jong-Shik Kim, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Environmental Sciences, who initiated the study. "It's clear, however, that these living organisms can survive in heavy oil mixtures containing many highly toxic chemicals. Moreover, these bacteria survive with no water and little or no oxygen.".... Whole article "Bio":[ http://www.bio.com/newsfeatures/newsfeatures_research.jhtml;jsessionid=AVHDUC5GG455VR3FQLMSFEWHUWBNQIV0?cid=29000062]



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