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New Report Explores Nanotechnology's Future

Date: 26.4.2007 

Controlling the properties and behavior of matter at the smallest scale -- in effect, "domesticating atoms" -- can help to overcome some of the world's biggest challenges, concludes a new report on how diverse experts view the future of nanotechnology. Released today, "NanoFrontiers: Visions for the Future of Nanotechnology," summarizes discussions among over 50 scientists, engineers, ethicists, policymakers, and other experts, as well as information gathered in follow-up interviews and from specially prepared background papers, about the long-term potential of nanotechnology. Written by freelance science writer Karen F. Schmidt, the report examines several compelling opportunities for significant, widespread benefit, focusing on nanotechnology's ability to address the "energy crisis, the need for better medical treatments, and the demand for clean water." ... Whole "nanotechwire":[ www.nanotechwire.com]

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