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New Soybean Pulls Nitrogen From Soil, Not Air

Date: 14.1.2007 

Growers may soon have the option of planting a non-transgenically modified soybean variety that improves recovery of nitrogen from land-applied animal waste. That's thanks to a newly released soybean germplasm that removes large amounts of nitrogen applied to soil. If developed into a new cultivar, it could become an ideal candidate for animal producers managing waste generated by their operations. The Agricultural Research Service (ARS) released the soybean germplasm, called Nitrasoy, in conjunction with the North Carolina Agricultural Research Service at North Carolina State University in Raleigh. Agronomist Joseph Burton, physiologist Daniel Israel and microbiologist Paul Bishop developed the germplasm. They are with the ARS Soybean and Nitrogen Fixation Research Unit in Raleigh. Today's commercial nodulating soybean varieties forge a give-and-take relationship with bacteria, called rhizobia... Whole article: "http://www.sciencedaily.com":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/01/070102134116.htm]

University group sues Monsanto over soybean patent - In a lawsuit filed Monday in U (24.5.2007)

Will biotechnology replace nitrogen fertilizer? - Research in molecular biology has put highly desirable and widely adopted traits for herbicide and pest resistance into crop plants (3.4.2007)



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