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New technique paves way for medical discoveries

Date: 22.10.2009 

Researchers have previously been able to analyse which **sugar structures** are to be found on certain **proteins**, but not exactly where on the protein they are positioned. This is now possible thanks to a new technique developed at the Sahlgrenska Academy. The **technique** entails preparing samples in a new way and is a development of applied **mass spectrometry**. Presented in the latest issue of renowned journal Nature Methods, the technique will enable **medical researchers** to study the **mechanisms** behind diseases in more detail and, with luck, find new ways of **treating** them. "University of Gothenburg":[ http://www.sahlgrenska.gu.se/english/news_and_events/news/News_Detail/New_technique_paves_way_for_medical_discoveries_.cid898784]



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