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New Technology to Purifying Drinking Water Developed

Date: 11.6.2008 

A possible novel approach to remove bacteria and viruses from drinking water using a genetic tool was developed by researchers at Duke's Pratt School of Engineering. The engineers have used the **RNA interference** (RNAi) technology. This method uses short snippets of RNA which match with the corresponding segment of a gene in the cell and inhibit its function. #img_987#.> Researchers have demonstrated in their experiments that the RNAi is able to stop working a gene in a common **water fungus**. If this new approach can be perfected, the researchers believe that it could serve as the basis for a device to help solve the problem of **safe drinking water** in Third World Countries. Source: "http://www.ece.duke.edu":[ http://www.ece.duke.edu/news/?id=1364]



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