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New type of vaccines delivers strong and fast immune response

Date: 27.11.2008 

A new **vaccine principle** is being developed by scientists at the University of Copenhagen which - if it works to its full **expected potential** - could help to save millions of lives and revolutionise current vaccine technology. The ‘InVacc' platform, as it is known, represents an advance on the original **DNA vaccines** and generates new vaccines with greatly enhanced properties. The platform consists of a chain of amino acids attached to a gene of the virus being vaccinated against. This **genetic cocktail** is then inserted into an incapacitated flu-like virus such as the **adenovirus** and injected into the body, where it triggers a broader and more aggressive immune response, enabling the immune system to quickly seek out and destroy the disease when it invades. "University of Copenhagen":[ http://healthsciences.ku.dk/newslist/invacc/]



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