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New way to fight cancer by protecting healthy cells

Date: 2.4.2008 

The unique study of UCS biologists proposes a new paradigm in cancer treatment: Instead of selectively attacking cancer cells, protect all other cells against chemotherapy. Making **chemotherapy** more selective has been a top cancer research goal for decades. Now, the animal studies and in vitro human cell studies show that a two days fast protects healthy cells against chemotherapy, while tumor cells remain sensitive to the drugs. Mice given a high dose of chemotherapy after fasting continued to thrive. The same dose killed half the normally fed mice and caused lasting weight and energy loss in the survivors. "In theory, it opens up new treatment approaches that will allow higher doses of chemotherapy. It's a direction that's worth pursuing in clinical trials in humans," say the researchers at University of Southern California. Fasting before **chemotherapy** has still unknown risks and benefits for humans. The effectiveness and safety of the method will be established by future clinical trials. Source: "http://www.usc.edu":[ http://www.usc.edu/uscnews/stories/15032.html]



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