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New Way To Target And Kill Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria Found

Date: 13.7.2007 

Putting bacteria on birth control could stop the spread of drug-resistant microbes, and researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have found a way to do just that. The team discovered a key weakness in the enzyme that helps "fertile" bacteria swap genes for drug resistance. Drugs called bisphosphonates, widely prescribed for bone loss, block this enzyme and prevent bacteria from spreading antibiotic resistance genes, the research shows. Interfering with the enzyme has the added effect of annihilating antibiotic-resistant bacteria in laboratory cultures. Animal studies of the drugs are now underway. "Our discoveries may lead to the ability to selectively kill antibiotic-resistant bacteria in patients, and to halt the spread of resistance in clinical settings," said Matt Redinbo, Ph.D., senior study author and professor of chemistry, biochemistry and biophysics at UNC-Chapel Hill.... "ScienceDaily.com":[ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/07/070709171636.htm]

Antibiotic resistance countered - US scientists believe they may have found a way to stop the growing problem of bacteria becoming resistant to current drug treatments (11.7.2007)

The new face of TB: drug resistance and HIV - Tuberculosis (TB) is back with a vengeance and it has a new face: the combination of the HIV epidemic with new strains of the disease that are resistant to the existing drugs has seen new TB cases and TB-related deaths skyrocket in the last decade (3.7.2007)

Researchers Find New Pathway to Thwart Antibiotic Resistance - Researchers at UAB (University of Alabama at Birmingham) have new information on the structure of a key enzyme in bacteria that could lead to improved antibiotics and less antibiotic resistance (25.6.2007)

Molecular basis of hypertension, dyslipidemia and insulin resistance (metabolic syndrome) - Aims: Elucidation of responsible genetic determinants relevant for understanding the pathogenesis of cardiovascular diseases and their more rational prevention and therapy (30.4.2007)

Resistance Is Futile - Antibiotics have saved countless lives since Alexander Fleming discovered penicillin in 1927 (31.3.2007)



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