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Not Just Humans Benefit From Animal Biotechnology

Date: 28.10.2007 

Laboratory animals are the source of major discoveries and breakthroughs in biology, not just in tackling disease but also unravelling fundamental **molecular processes**. Delegates at a recent research conference organised by the European Science Foundation (ESF) and Wellcome Trust heard how technology capable of analysing **animal genes** across the whole genome is yielding many benefits for agriculture and human society. In breeding both domestic and farm animals for example, it is now possible to select individuals with a wide spectrum of desirable traits in a single generation. In the past selective breeding of animals has been confined to traits that are obvious or easy to measure, and it has been difficult to produce individuals with a broad combination of desirable qualities, according to Helen Sang, chair of the recent ESF/Wellcome conference on **Animal Biotechnology**. Whole article on "ScienceDaily": [ http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2007/10/071024115230.htm]



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