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Oral Vaccine Containing Salmonella May Protect Against Aerosolized Anthrax

Date: 2.5.2007 

Researchers from the U.S. and abroad have developed an orally administered Salmonella-based vaccine that protects mice against aerosolized anthrax and may also have human implications. Anthrax is a deadly disease that affects wildlife, livestock and humans and presents a serious threat as a potential biological weapon. Currently, there is a vaccine licensed for use in the US and the United Kingdom, and although effective, it requires multiple injections over several months, is expensive to produce and is only available to military personnel. A safe, effective and long-lasting vaccine available to civilians is necessary to protect mass populations in the event of an attack. In the study researchers produced Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium expressing differing levels of the necessary protective antigen to induce anthrax immunity and orally immunized groups of mice. Following immunization the mice were then challenged with aerosolized anthrax spores. Five of the six mice that received the vaccine containing full expression of the antigen were protected against infection, while the vaccine with reduced antigen levels only provided up to 25 % protection.... Whole article "Bio":[ www.bio.com]

Study Models Impact Of Anthrax Vaccine - Rapidly distributing antibiotics to people exposed to anthrax spores during a bioterrorist attack, could by itself, prevent about 70 percent of anthrax infections from occurring, according to researchers from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health (19.10.2006)

Researchers Discover Cell-wall Carbohydrate That Is Crucial To Anthrax Bacterium - A week after the 9/11 attacks in 2001, the letters began to arrive (11.10.2006)

Cangene awarded contract to supply anti-anthrax drug to U.S. government - The company announced Friday that the U (21.8.2006)

Effective, Safe Anthrax Vaccine Can Be Grown In Tobacco Plants - Mice immunized with a vaccine produced in UCF professor Henry Daniell's laboratory through the genetic engineering of tobacco plants survived lethal doses of anthrax administered later by National Institutes of Health researchers (21.12.2005)



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