Date: 1.7.2016
Countless studies have comprehensively concluded that there are no detrimental health effects of consuming GMO crops. Unfortunately, Greenpeace steadfastly seems to think that they are a clear and present threat to us and the wider world, no matter how much scientific data is thrown at them.
Scientists, it seems, have finally had enough. An incredible 107 Nobel laureates have signed a letter officially condemning the activist group over its erroneous stance on GMOs. Organized by Richard Roberts, chief scientific officer of New England Biolabs and one of two winners of the 1993 Nobel Prize in medicine, the letter, and the campaign behind it, doesn’t pull any punches.
“There has never been a single confirmed case of a negative health outcome for humans or animals from [GMO] consumption,” the letter reads. “Their environmental impacts have been shown repeatedly to be less damaging to the environment, and a boon to global biodiversity.”
GMO crops are grown specifically to give humans an advantage. These advantages can sometimes be minor and consumerist in nature – apples that do not brown after being cut, for example. This letter, however, highlights the more globally consequential advantages certain GMOs bestow upon us, including Golden Rice, a crop that is designed to contain a potent source of Vitamin A. Its development is supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, among others.
“Greenpeace has spearheaded opposition to Golden Rice, which has the potential to reduce or eliminate much of the death and disease caused by a vitamin A deficiency (VAD), which has the greatest impact on the poorest people in Africa and Southeast Asia,” the letter notes. “Based on UNICEF statistics, a total of 1 to 2 million preventable deaths occur annually as a result of VAD.”
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