Date: 19.2.2007
The evaluation and prevention of environmental and ecological risks related to introduction of genetically modified crops in the Czech Republic - The project deals with the evaluation of environmental and ecological risks and benefits related to the introduction of genetically modified crops under conditions of the Czech Republic (8.2.2007)
GM maize protects chickens from deadly virus - The scientists, who published their findings online in Transgenic Research on 12 August, hope their approach can help small-scale poultry farmers protect their flocks (22.8.2006)
GM techniques turn a plant parasite into a potential saviour of rice producers - Beautiful and much loved shrubs and trees afflicted with the disease produce swellings, or galls, along the length of the branches and roots and often die (17.8.2006)
GM foods will end world famine: Expert - Professor Jennifer Thomson said when people were starving the advantages of stronger, healthier crops far outweighed the risks (11.8.2006)
GM potato crops to produce vaccines - University of Rostock scientists aim to plant three rows of the GM crop on 2,200m2 in Gross Luesewitz, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, over the next two years (7.8.2006)
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