Date: 7.3.2012
We are seeking a highly motivated Ph.D. candidate to work on the bacterial cycling of phosphorus in mountain lakes. Research will focus on assessing preferences in phosphorus utilization among freshwater bacterial taxa in alpine vs. subalpine lakes, using a combination of single‐cell and molecular techniques such as flow cytometry and sorting, CARD‐FISH and microautoradiography, and metatranscriptomics. The successful candidate should have relevant knowledge in aquatic microbial ecology, limnology, or microbiology (knowledge on molecular methods or bioinformatics would be an asset), as well as fluency in English, self‐initiative, and ability to collaborate. The Ph. D. working place will be located at the Institute of Ecology, University of Innsbruck, Austria, within the working group "Aquatic Photobiology and Plankton Ecology". A threeyear Ph.D. studentship will be provided by the Austrian Science Fund. Candidates should have a MSc. degree in an appropriate discipline and a keen interest in aquatic microbial ecology. Applications should be sent directly to maria.perez(at) or ruben.sommaruga(at) and should include an explanation of your motivation for conducting research on the advertised topic, a short description of your research interests, an abstract of the Master's thesis or publication (if pertinent), details of when you would be able to start your Ph. D., and a CV (with picture) that includes the names and addresses of two people who could supply written references. The application language is English. Review of the application will start immediately and continue till the position is filled. Expected starting date of the project is envisaged for April 2012.
Author: Ad
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