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PhilRice researcher achieves breakthrough in bacterial leaf blight resistance research for hybrid rice

Date: 30.3.2006 

Auguring well for this optimistic outlook is a headway achieved in hybrid rice research chalked up by a scientific study done with the support of the Department of Agriculture - Philippine Rice Research Institute (DA-PhilRice), DA-Bureau of Agricultural Research (BAR), and International Rice Research Institute (IRRI). The study, titled "Marker-aided selection for bacterial blight resistance genes and against fertility restoring genes in Mestizo hybrid rice (Oryzae sativa L.) maintainer and cytoplasmic male sterile lines", was conducted by Joan Marie Agarcio, PhilRice senior science research specialist. For some time, PhilRice and IRRI have faced some challenges in promoting the Mestizo hybrid variety because of its susceptibility to bacterial leaf blight (BLB), a destructive rice disease caused by a bacteria (Xanthomonas oryzae pv. Oryxae (Xoo). Bacterial leaf blight has hitherto posed threats to the success of hybrid rice seed production. But Agarcio's research work could change this as she was able to introduce genes into Mestizo parentals that confer resistance on bacterial plant. "Source":[http://www.seedquest.com/News/releases/2006/march/15072.htm].

Antibiotic resistance countered - US scientists believe they may have found a way to stop the growing problem of bacteria becoming resistant to current drug treatments (11.7.2007)

Gene sequence dataset for rice developed - U (19.3.2007)



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