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Postdoctoral research fellow

Type of job: full-time

Research focus:

Analysis and interpretation of fluxes of matters and energy measured by eddy-covariance in different ecosystems. The main workload will be to interpret, analyze and write up papers from data resulting from eddy-covariance measurement. Data processing and analysis, as well as advising Ph.D. students, will be asked.
The position is available from 1st June 2013.

Succesfull candidate will have:

- A PhD degree in environmental or atmospheric sciences
- Theoretical and practical knowledge of atmospheric processes, ecology/ecophysiology and the fluxes within the soil-plant-atmosphere system
- Experience in post-processing and interpreting of eddy-covariance data
- Good knowledge of statistical analysis, modelling skills desirable
- Capability of independent scientific work including publishing papers in impact factor journals
- Participation in project (grants) submissions and realization of research projects
- Good written/spoken English communication skills
- Ability to work collaboratively with an interdisciplinary team of scientists, ability to lead people

We offer:

- Work in an international team
- Creative scientific work, self-realization
- Use of data from a research infrastructure of international importance
- Possibility of personal career and scientific growth
- Background of a strong and prestigious scientific institute
- Appropriate salary
- Institutional support of work-life balance and equal opportunities

You may send your application until 22nd April 2014.

Your application including a structured scientific CV and motivation letter with a review of your scientific publication and the names of 3 reference persons (in English) is to be sent by email (Subject: EDDY-COVARIANCE POSTDOC) or by mail to:
Mgr. Marian Pavelka, Ph.D.
Global Change Research Centre AS CR, v.v.i.
Bělidla 4a
CZ - 603 00 Brno, Czech Republic

Uzávěrka přihlášek: 22. 04. 2014

Mgr. Marian Pavelka, Ph.D.



Updated: 20.2.2014



  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
